Sunday, December 27, 2009

Annoying Questions and Judgemental People

I love people and I love being around them, but sometimes they do and say things that irritate me just as I probably do them. What bugs me most is when they ask questions like "How's school?" "Do you like it?" "When will you be done?" "Are you still living at home?" Oh and this is one of my favorites."Why don't you have your degree yet?" Because I'm a lazy, stupid, incompetent person! Happy?! And how exactly does it effect you? Why do you care? Do I ask when you're going to sell your house and move into a retirement community? Do I ask when you and your spouse are going to have another child or your first one? No I don't ask those questions for one simple reason. I really don't care. I don't but into other people's business and tell them how to live their lives! So why do they ask questions that I doubt they care about the answer to? Nosy and rude they can be sometimes. Oh yeah they use the guise of "concern" but I have nothing to be concerned or pitied about and I feel like they only ask those questions so they can judge me on my answers.

As for the question of "How's school?" people don't really want to know the answer to that one so usually I just say "Fine." I want to say "You want to know how school is? It stinks. It always has and it always will. I hate school. I've always hated school. It's been a thorn in my side since kindergarten, but I grit my teeth and do it because I know there's no other way for me to make a living and I live for the day when I can delete it from my life forever!" I guess that would answer the "Do you like it?" question too.

Then there has been the questions..."Is this your last year?" "When will you be done?" Let me answer this once and for all. No this is not my last year. The school likes to drag it out and cause all these delays and make us jump through all these hoops and crap! Plus despite the desperate need for nurses the school has taken it's good old time accepting people into clinicals because they want to keep students as long as possible so they can make more money. Meanwhile patients aren't getting the proper care they need because there aren't enough nurses to do it. It makes me sick.

I realize that people are just trying to make conversation with me and trying to be friendly. I appreciate that...I'm not a totally irrational person despite what I say here. But if I really said what I thought I would alienate them and I don't want to do that because they're my family and my brothers and sisters in Christ and I love them. People just need to get to know me and they know that school is not the be all and end all of my existence even though it is for some kids. People don't really like to talk about their digestive functions and that's how I feel about school. It's not something I enjoy and if I want to talk about it I will bring it up. School is necessary and people and animals fart. They're facts of life and maybe some people do talk freely about bodily functions and some about school, but I don't...although I'm more likely to talk about school. But the principle is the same. If I want to talk about school I will bring it up. Even if you do bring it up of course I will be polite and kind to you because you are my neighbor and I love you, but I'd rather not talk about it.

And finally the worst of all annoying questions. "Are you dating anyone?" Oh ouch. Must I answer that? NO!!! I am not and it's because I'm not that that's a very painful subject for me. I don't know why God is taking so long to send me the right man, but he must have a reason. I'm hearing my biological clock ticking at 23 and some might think that's awfully young, but when I see girls my age married or soon to it really? I'm not getting any younger, but I have to trust that God will bring the right man along for me before I become old, wrinkled, and barren. Believe me when I do finally find "The One" I will shout from the roof tops. "Yes I'm dating someone!" but until then...let me bring up the dating subject if I want to.

So let's say I did graduate, then I'd have to get a job. Then I'd move out of my parents house and get a place of my own. Then I'd get married and have kids. Well, what would be wrong with me then? Or what would be wrong with my kids or my husband or my house? Why aren't I getting promoted? Why isn't my husband getting promoted? Why aren't my kids doing better in school? Guess I'll never be good enough for people. They'll always find something to nag and judge me about. People need to mind their own business.

Okay I guess I've made my point in this soapbox blog post. Maybe the next one will be more upbeat, but I had to get that off my chest. Till next.

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